About Us
Welcome to the Hancock County Early Head Start/ Head Start/Pre-K program. It is an honor to be the Director of such a wonderful school. I hope it has been a rewarding experience meeting your child's teacher, visiting his/her classroom, and attending open house. We appreciate your support as we begin the school year. Throughout our two preschool sites, preschool staff has worked diligently to create a warm and nurturing learning environment.
Our Early Childhood Programs have qualified educators with an average of 15 years experience as lead teachers and our instructional assistants have a minimum of a Child Development Associates (CDA) with an average of 12 years experience. Together they create a supportive, nurturing environment while providing best practices and innovative approaches to learning. We also have a trained classroom assistant to support staff and special needs students due to the leadership of the Hancock County School district. Regular volunteers compliment our classrooms and services. We provide a balanced curriculum with a primary focus on intentional teaching through play, Creative Curriculum. The six developmental domains (social & emotional, cognitive, literacy, physical development, mathematics, and language) are the foundational pillars. A large emphasis on mathematics, science, and literacy are planned around these domains We also pride ourselves on the arts opportunities that our students are exposed to through our curriculum. Students learn about self-expression, creativity, and self-esteem through music and visual arts.
Our instructional staff is well supported with a top-notch transportation staff. Each bus only transports 3 and 4 year children enrolled in our program. Bus drivers are attentive to students' and families' needs and a bus monitor rides each route to ensure safety as regulated by both the state and federal government. All students are required to be in a safety harness or belt.
The management team and family service advocates develop strong partnerships with school and community partners. We believe that all stakeholders must be involved to provide a quality program that meets the needs of families and students. We partner with families to help with resources for furthering education, employment opportunities, parenting success, budgeting, housing opportunities; ensuring basic needs are met, etc. Please contact us at any time if you are interested in assistance or services.
So together, my staff and I are committed to supporting and working with our parents and community. I am grateful and humbled to work with an outstanding staff at Hancock County Early Head Start/ Head Start & Pre-K. We are governed by the dedicated and unswerving Hancock County Board of Education who understands the community and support of the mission of the program. Our parent Policy Council works closely with the board and the staff to consistently evaluate our policies and services with the spirit of continuous improvement. The commitment of our parents and the input they provide is crucial to the success of our program.
Throughout my career journey, I can truthfully say that I have never seen an organization with so many talented and enthusiastic individuals working in harmony for one purpose. I am personally thankful to be a member of this organization and each member is vital to the success of the children and families we serve.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Angela Primus
Head Start Director